I am a Polish artist living and working in Helsinki, Finland. I primarily work with moving image and VR within the context of experimental documentaries, socially engaged projects and wilderness. I create soups out of glitched digital materials, archives, clay, video barbie dolls, drawing, sounds, mushrooms, words and objects. To balance matter and energy I have been drawn to gardening. From here I expanded my geological interests; I collect clay from a variety of places and use it to create spiritually driven clay window paintings. My ongoing body of work expands on a form of techno-sublime aesthetic. I explore human and non-human scales, sonic disruptions, impossible landscapes, and ungraspable truths. 

My recent work Mycelium Orgasm Report is representative of my current holistic research and interests.  Mycelium Orgasm Report is a 16-minute walk through a glitched organic network and “dream topography of spaces, objects, dance parties and entities” beneath a towering forest of giant mushrooms. The artwork features a pulsating soundscape of organic techno and shadowy festival crowd scenes.‘Mycelium Orgasm Report’ takes a more DIY approach to the VR medium than is often seen. In doing this, it breaks down the glossy artifice of video game aesthetics and taking the viewer on a journey through something more wild, more raw. In doing so, it creates an impression of venturing into the unknown, of passing through an uncharted digital wilderness of whispers, symbols and fragments.

IASPIS residency in collaboration with Malmö Art Museum and Inter Art Center
20 February 2024 - 23 May 2024:
My recent clay paintings are on view until 26.11.2023 in Reykjavik, Iceland at Sequences biennial